Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Can I Go Home Now?

So Dr. B walks into the room yesterday and dare I say it . . . Dr. B says she may let me go home in two weeks depending on a few conditions. Of course before she mentions the conditions, I try to negotiate with her to reduce it to one week. After all, next Monday I will be 28 weeks.

Dr. B is use to me by now and goes right into the conditions. It actually makes me chuckle. So I prepare myself for the conditions. First she wants to measure my cervix again to see if it is shorter or has remained the same. Second, I have to prove that I can duplicate the hospital environment at home meaning that I am must stay in bed and most importantly not chase around my toddler.

Hmmm one of these I have no control over but my God does so I make a mental note to modify my daily prayers.

The second condition is tough but can be done. My mind starts racing. Since my Hubby has been acting as the single parent while I have been in the hospital this should not be a problem. The routine of dropping off, picking up and caring for our toddler will not change. But now the Hubby will also have to prepare my meals. (By the way – My Hubby laughed hysterically when I told him Dr. B said I was not to prepare meals. He asked if I told her that I have not prepared meals in years. I said I cook but I had to give in and laugh with him because I stopped cooking when I got pregnant with our toddler.) Friends and family have offered to help and watch our little one to give the Hubby a break. So yes this is doable.

Now I just have to make sure that I do not allow my toddler‘s pleas to get me to leave the bed. Now I am aware that all of you Mommies know that is going to be difficult. But I can do all things through God who strengthens me. I know what can happen to the baby on board if I do not comply. And I am strong enough to admit when I am wrong and if necessary I will run back to the hospital if I am not able to force myself to stay in the bed.

But this is wishful thinking. So I zoom back in on what Dr. B is saying. She is going on vacation but is going to discuss this plan with Dr. A. Hmmm – most doctors will not release another doctor’s patient so I know that it will be at least another two weeks.

Darn - Guess I should keep working on my escape plan.

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