Tuesday, September 7, 2010

FREEDOM - Well Sort of

Labor Day marked week 28 for this little one.  At 27 weeks and 6 days it was not looking good.  I should clarify that the baby was looking good.  Strong heartbeat, approx. weight 2 lbs 2 oz, all limbs, fingers and toes in the proper place, spine, brain and kidneys all looked good according to the ultra sound.  But my cervix continued to let me down.  For the past 3 weeks, the strict bed rest regimen did not prevent my cervix from getting shorter.  This was disappointing news and I had no idea how I would manage to wrap my mind around staying in the hospital for another 4 weeks. 

Oh don't get me wrong.  Friends and family have been overwhelmingly supportive and a true blessing.  My little one had days that she was okay with leaving Mommy. And God bless him . . . my Hubby had things under control at home.  Plus he was receiving the same type of support from family and friends.   Our little one's God Parents would travel over an hour to help take her to pre-school and other appointments.  And my Mother-in-law is in town for a little over a week. 

But as you can tell from my previous blog, I was expecting Dr. B to keep me in the hospital.  My Hubby decided to leave our little one with his Mom and stay the night in the hospital with me.  That was a well needed surprise.  Plus it reminded me that we were in this together.  His support helped me prepare myself for the bad news.

Monday morning, Dr. B came in and said she wanted to check my cervix before making a decision.  While they prepared me for this exam, my Hubby was asking Dr. B a ton of questions.  THAT'S MY MAN!  I was so happy to have him here during this process.  I also knew that I would need his shoulder to cry on when Dr. B said I had to stay. 

To our surprise the cervix was closed.  Well not totally closed but closed enough that Dr. B would allow me to go home.  Words can not describe my emotions.  Not to mention I was embarrassed about my breakdown the previous day. 

Then my Hubby started asking questions again.  This time he asked questions I didn't want him to ask because I didn't want Dr. B to change her mind.  "Are you sure this will not cause her to go into labor?"  "How safe is it for her to be home if the cervix is still short?" etc. etc. etc.  Now I want to say hush man! But THAT'S MY MAN.  He looks after his girls no matter what.

Now the conditions of my release required strict bed rest.  Basically, I have bathroom privileges.  Nothing more.  Dr. B made me swear on my family that I would behave.  Okay wrong word.  I agreed to do as she instructed.  Even when I go to doctor appointments, Dr. B wants me to be in the backseat laying down.  Gotta love her dedication to keeping this baby in as long as possible.

So around 12 p.m. Labor Day I left the antepartum department in a wheel chair with my Hubby.  It was hot but I rode with the windows down in the car because I wanted to feel the air.  Not to mention, it will be at least a week before I am able to get out again for my doctors appointment. 

Home is a beautiful place.  Our daughter is not home but her presence is felt in each room.  Probably because she has toys in every single room in the house. LOL!  I immediately start asking questions.  "Why did you let the plant die?"  "Why didn't you throw that away?" "What is this?" etc. etc.  My Hubby says, I am taking you back if you don't go upstairs and get in the bed.  That is all the threat I need.

Bed rest sucks big time.  But not so much now that I am in my own bed and able to see the park, trees and playground from my window. 

This is probably the best Labor Day ever.  Today will be even better when our little one comes home and sees me.  I am dreaming of that smile and hug now.  The only thing that will be missing is me picking her up and swinging her around.

Thank you Lord for your blessings!

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