Sunday, September 12, 2010

At Home

Well I have been home for 5 days now.  My husband's mother, aunt and uncle have taken care of our little one since I returned home to give my husband a break and time for both of us to adjust to me being home.  They brought her home last night.  I am grateful that we have family to help. 

Being home has its advantages. I get to choose between three rooms where I will stay that day. I can see and hear activities outside like dogs barking and children laughing and playing. Also, now there are over 100 channels that have absolutely nothing on that I want to watch. But hey, at least I have more choices. Most importantly, I get my daily fix of my little one. She always comes running into the room yelling Mommy and jumping in the bed to give me a hug and kiss. The she proceeds to eat or drink whatever I have within her reach. Seeing the Hubby everyday also has its perks.

There are some disadvantages. Remembering to take my medication at the right time is not easy especially if I fall asleep and miss taking a dose. To prevent this I set 5 alarms on my cell phone and keep it under my pillow. So far so good. Next every little pain causes me to worry. Is that a contraction or is that just because of the position of the baby? The Hubby is concerned if I look like I am in pain or moan when I roll over so now I am mindful of these to keep his mind at ease. I hate left-overs but it ensures that if the Hubby is not around to fix me something to eat then I am only on my feet for a few minutes heating something up in the microwave. He is not a bad cook so that is a plus. But the hardest is staying in the bed when my little one is pulling on me and asking me to get up because she wants me to play with her or go outside. So far I have only given in to going downstairs and laying on the couch so I can watch her play with her toys.

In the three weeks that I was in the hospital there were changes at home.  I feel like I have missed so much being in the hospital.  Of course everyone including myself said this is only a short time.  But a child changes and learns so much every day.  When I came home it felt as though I missed her first steps or better yet her first sentence.  All of this just gives me another good reason to follow the doctor's instructions so I can stay home as long as possible.

Well for my own memories, I should document some of the changes that I noticed in my little one when I came home.

First our little one has a little trouble self soothing when she goes to bed now.  This is understandable since Mommy has been away and the daily routine changed.  Daddy has to lay down with her now for a little while to get her to relax and provide reassurance that everything is okay.  This is something we have not had to do since she was 6 or 7 months except when she was sick or her favorite blanket was being washed or was missing.  Nothing I can do now but lay in the bed and let Daddy handle it.  The two of them have a stronger bond.  I am a little jealous because now she wants Daddy to sooth her to sleep. 

Second, regardless of when she cries or the reason she cries . . . I cry.  I hope it is only hormones but I cannot stand to hear her cries.  Even when I know it is a fake cry.  It is also difficult to see Daddy discipline her but it is for her own good and it is the same thing I would do if I could be up and about. I must say she had it better than me because there was no such thing as a "time out" when I was growing up. 

Third, her vocabulary has increased.  I could tell in the hospital but it was not until I came home that I could really see the difference.  Now she says you are welcome, instead of welcome.  Its mine instead of mine. What is that instead of pointing.  Over there or right there instead of pointing.  She can now say her numbers up to 15 or 20 depending on her mood.  She is also able to identify colors.  Apparently our decision to take her to speech therapy and put her in pre-school was a good decision.

Fourth, that little girl can be bossy.  LOL!  Well for those of you that know me . . . you probably are saying the apple does not fall far from the tree. 

Finally, that little girl pays attention to everything and she only needs to see it once or twice to understand how something works.  For those of you that know me . . . she must have got that from her Daddy's side.  LOL!

Yesterday, she decided to take my phone and call someone.  She unlocked the phone which is no shocker because she has been doing that for months now.  However, she now knows that the icons on the phone will allow her to see pictures, video or call someone.  All she has to do is touch the right icon. Now I am in shock because first she was trying to get to the video that I showed her earlier.  Then she called (yes - I said called) our Aunt Glo.  My aunt was cracking up because the first 30 seconds of the call all she heard was the two of us laughing and me saying "who did you call" "give me the phone" "give me the phone little girl".  This bed rest thing really has me limited.  Glad it was my Aunt and not my boss that she called. 

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