Saturday, September 4, 2010

Wedding Anniversary

Today is our 6th Wedding Anniversary.  What a way to spend such a special day.  Stuck in a hospital.  Needless to say, I did not wake up in a pleasant mood.  I would have much preferred to wake up next to my Hubby.  Instead I woke up in a cold hospital room.  Nope I was not alone.  One of the nurses was there to take my vitals and give me my medication.   

Dr. B stopped in to give me the normal comments.  However, I had my own agenda.  I want out of this place on Monday.  Dr. B says not until 28 weeks.  I say "that is this Monday and I want to go home".  I keep the date on the whiteboard in the room.  Today is week 27 and 5 days.  I ask when will the perinatologist perform the ultra sound to determine the length of my cervix.  Dr. B said she will make arrangements for that to happen today.

Later that day Dr. W who is the perinatologist comes to my room and performs an ultra sound.  When I see her I decide to have fun and give her a hard time because it was her diagnosis sent me to my current living environment. 

Dr. W performs the ultrasound and determines that my cervix is shorter.  It is now 1.2 cm.  Bummer.  I don't know if this will prevent my departure because my cervix was 1.43 cm 3 weeks ago which was the cause of my initial incarceration . . . I mean admittance to hospital.  Now that my cervix is shorter I am not sure if Dr. B will allow me to go home.  I still have hope that she will let me go home to finish out my bed rest since I am not having contractions or any other pre-labor symptoms.  The decision is up to Dr. B.  Not sure what she will say tomorrow.  Again I have to wait. 

Of course you know that I have to find a bright side.  Well, the little one is healthy.  Her spine, kidneys, brain, legs, arms, feet, fingers, toes etc. are all in order.  We all got a good laugh at her moving around and we were able to get a good picture of her foot at the top of her head.  Must be nice being that flexible.  She is growing well and her weight is estimated at 2lbs 2oz which means her weight is on target.

This is good news but I am still a little depressed.  I decided that I am well within my rights to feel depressed today.  I start singing "Lord help me to hold out".  Wish I was a better singer.  Might have to find that song on 

Regardless, I am resolved to have a better day tomorrow.  After all, its not about me. Its about the little one growing in my belly. Ouch!  But I tell you if she kicks me in my bladder one more time . . . .

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