Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Hemorrhoids Anyone?

Oh the pain the pain the pain . . . of hemorrhoids.  I swear my hemorrhoids have had baby hemorrhoids. I really think that the hemorrhoids have a party to celebrate the birth of newest addition to the hemorrhoid family.  Then to make matters more exciting lets just add constipation to the mix which must be 1st cousin to the hemorrhoid family. 

What came first hemorrhoid or constipation?  Who cares both are painful.  I use Tucks and some type of hydrocordizone cream for the hemorrhoids.  Colace is a stool softener that I take twice a day and instead of taking vitamins everyday I take it every other day.  This seems to help prevent the constipation. 

Now just when I thought it could not possibly get any worse, the little one in my womb thinks my bladder is a soccer ball.  Of course this sends me running to the bathroom or changing my clothes.  The other day this child kicked me so hard I thought her foot had come out of my womb.  Not to mention she loves hanging out very low so when I stand up to go to the bathroom it feels like her whole two pounds is on my bladder.  I look like an old woman doubled over.  What does this mean?  More pain and the only medication is called BED REST! 

Okay so yes I have adapted to being on bed rest.  But when you toss in hemorrhoids it is difficult to get comfortable in the bed.  The best position would be to lay on my stomach or on my back.  However both of those positions are uncomfortable with this growing belly.  So laying down on my side requires strategic positioning and pillows. 

While I joke about this there is a scary side to the situation.  Since my cervix is short the last thing I need to do is bare down or push anything out of my body.  Each time I am in that situation, I worry that I am putting more pressure on the cervix and running the risk of going into premature labor.  The goal is to take every precaution to prevent constipation.  But try as I might this issue continues to present itself.  

For now I just have to role with the punches or I guess I should say rock with the punches because that is what I have to do to get out of bed with this big ole tummy of mine. After all we have made it to 29 weeks and 2 days. 

I can do this. Right God?

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