Friday, August 27, 2010

7 Weeks of Bedrest in Hospital

I don't expect anyone to view this blog but I have to do something to maintain my sanity. 

When I was 25 weeks pregnant my Doctor determined that my cervix was short.  Very short.  She informed me that this leads to preterm labor and immediately sent me to the hospital.  Hubby was out of town and my toddler was in preschool so arrangements had to be made for my little ones care.  3 hours later I was in the hospital.

The first 24 hours consisted of taking medication to prevent contractions, 2 shots of steriods which helps develop the baby's lungs in case of premature birth and montioring the baby and my contractions.  Yep I said contractions and at 25 weeks that is really not a good thing.

24 hours later I was advised that I would be in the hospital until I reached 32 weeks.  WHAT?!  WOW that was unexpected and of course spending 7 weeks in the hospital was not part of the game plan.  Not to mention I would miss my little one something terrible. Oh and I would miss the hubby too.  

So after the tears and pity party I prepared myself to spend one week in the hospital.  After all, I have a toddler that needs her Mama.  Well the first week has come and gone and the Doctor has not changed her mind. But now I am allowed a wheelchair ride once a day so I can get some fresh air which ultimately helps prevent me from becoming depressed.

The neo-natal Dr. visited to discuss all of the complications that could occur in a baby born at 25 or 26 weeks.  It did not help that I also watched the medical channel and witness the birth of a baby at 26 weeks and everything the Dr said could happen, happened to the little girl on the show.  Heart surgery at 26 weeks.  My goodness.  That really put things in perspective.  This little one really needs to stay cooking in Mama's belly for as long as possible. I have to get over feeling guilty that my toddler is not going to have Mama in the house for a couple of months.  She is healthy and Daddy is taking good care of her.  Not to mention the support from my Mommy's group and family is outstanding.  I have to spend this short time focusing on the health of this little one that has to keep cooking in Mama's belly so she can be healthy as well.

My days are fairly routine.  Medication is taken at 8 a.m. 2 p.m. 8 p.m. 10 p.m. 2 a.m.  Baby is monitored once every 8 hours.  Contractions are monitored all day long.  Breakfast 8 a.m., snack 10 a.m. lunch 12 p.m. snack 3 p.m. dinner 6 p.m. The food is not bad and you can get "healthy" snacks almost anytime of the day.  Of course I have my stash of goodies that my Hubby brought.  The nurses are awesome.  They are my link to the outside world.  Sometimes I ask for them to leave the door open so I can hear voices and conversations.  Believe me it is nothing like Greys Anatomy.  I have not heard of any affairs with doctors yet.  LOL! But seriously the nurses are great. 

Today the Dr. agreed to reduce the amount of time the baby is on the monitor.  The baby still has a lot of room in my belly so it is hard to get a 30 min reading of her heart.  She will not stay still.  Not to mention this one kicks the monitor every time.  The nurses get tickled by it.  Can girls be football players? Also, Dr agreed to change the 2 a.m. medication to 12 a.m. so I can get at least 6 or 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep.  Yeah.

My time is spent playing on the computer, finding movies on Netflix that I can watch on the computer, completing latch hook projects, reading and spending time in worship.  When I wake up and realize that my spirits are low, I remember why I am doing this and find strength from my faith in God.

The Hubby is bringing our little one to the hospital today.  Her smile lights up the world for me.  Her hugs and kisses warms my heart and soul.  Soon as I get my hugs and kisses she hops in the bed and starts playing with the bed controls.  Up down up down up down.  I comb her hair.  She eats my snacks.  We watch Backyardiagns or Yo Gabba Gabba.  Take a ride in the wheelchair.  All the while my Hubby looks at us lovingly while shaking his head and smiling at the craziness we cause.  Then again he may just be thinking that he really needs to get a boy dog to balance off the fact that he will have three girls in his house after the baby is born.  Man is he out numbered.   

Well - 1 week down and 6 to go. 

Bedrest Mama


  1. Danita! Hang in there. All for the best cause! :)

  2. This is a great first post. I hope you keep writing. I love to write and know first hand how therapeutic it can be. All of you will get through this. Take it one day at a time. One moment at a time. One breath at a time. Sending you all lots of love, hugs, and prayers.

  3. I love you, Danita! Thank you for your daily updates... you are an amazing mother. This blog has made me laugh and made me cry-- saying good-bye to MK brought tears to my eyes. AND, I am so proud of Stephen Moore! This will bring those two even closer!! What a good man he is. My thoughts are with you. We would love to visit you!! Sending many hugs and kisses!!
